Sunday, July 1, 2007

How do you worship God? Is it just a song on Sunday morning? Or is it just a fleeting thought or feeling that passes through your spirit? Do you remember when you first came unto the Lord? The passion and the reverence in your voice when you spoke His name. The love and adoration when you opened the Word and the Holy Spirit illuminated scripture right before your very eyes! What about the heart pounding experience of the first time you witnessed to someone and they came to know the Lord! And the time Oh christian, when the Holy Spirit's conviction came upon you and the tears seemed to flow like a river straight to the throne room of God! " Therefore I urge you brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship." NIV. Worship is more than a list of songs on Sunday morning, it is more than "feelings" that run through your spirit. It is a lifestyle of obedience to the one true living God; The Great I AM! Oh that we would worship the Father in spirit and in truth: having fallen upon the Rock of Ages. Broken and bearing all before the Lord God Almighty! Worship Him Oh christian, with all that is within you. Father, I come before you and lay open my heart. Oh sweet Spirit, elucidate my soul and bring to light all the wickedness that is within me! I give you honor Oh Lord, for the new heart that has been placed within me. Stamp Thine own image upon my heart and establish Your Word Deep within my soul. Teach me Oh Lord to worship you in spirit and in truth, for these are whom You seek! Amen!