Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Through the blood of Jesus we are sanctified. To be free from sin should be a goal of every believer! Jesus prayed for us to be sanctified in truth; the Word of God is the only truth that every believer should recognize. Through Jesus' sanctification, we are sanctified, and able to stand in His presence. Jesus prayed this in John 17. Towards not only the disciples at the time, but this prayer applies to every believer who confesses that Jesus has come in the flesh. Sanctified to stand in His presence: Oh God of mercy and grace, how sweet is your presence! Sanctification is a growing up process that takes us to a deeper level in our relationship with Jesus. Obedience to His will, faithfulness to His word, and dedication to prayer are interwoven into the sanctification process. "It is not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit , says the Lord of Hosts." Joshua called for the people of Israel to be sanctified before they crossed the Jordan, yet this was an outward cleansing. Jesus desires for us to allow Him to cleanse our inner man. Sanctification requires daily housekeeping in the deepest parts of our heart and spirit. Are you up against a Jordan in your life? Hear the call of a Holy God, sanctify yourself. Set your whole life apart from and out of the world's lusts and passions; Be consecrated unto the Lord. Walk in the example that He Lived. Oh sweet Saviour, may Your work on the cross never stop impacting my life. May I never take Your atoning sacrifice for granted. Thank you Jesus for sending the Holy Spirit to empower me to live a holy and sanctified life. Amen.