Why does the Lord allow us to be placed in a position that would cause us to press through, into the spirit? What barriers do we run into? And what is the end result of this working in our life? I would like to bring up the account of Paul and Silas and the slave girl who had a spirit of predicting the future (Acts 16:16-34). Paul and Silas, along with the others who were with them, were going down to the place of prayer (this is Philippi, where Lydia was converted). As they were traveling along the way, they were undoubtedly discussing the previous day's events and preparing their hearts for prayer. Now, in Acts 16:17-18, Luke states that the girl was proclaiming (shouting), by means of a spirit, that "these men are servants of the Most High God, who are telling you the way to be saved", and this she did for many days. In his eye-witnessed account, Luke tells us that this grieved or sorely annoyed Paul (to the point of being worn out)! When we look at this word grieved a little closer we find that Paul had to toil through this unsettling time. Toiling to the point of anguish or pain. What was Paul worn out from? The girl shouting loudly and all the implied implications of the girls actions or was Paul worn out by intensely focusing on entering into the spirit? Whatever the root cause of this toilsome experience, Paul was not going to allow this invasive spirit to distract him or the band of followers with him from pressing through, into the sweet presence of the Holy Spirit! What was the purpose of God allowing this to take place? What barriers did Paul have to overcome? And finally, when would Paul and Silas reach the ends of their pressing through? Let us look to the rest of this account given by Luke, the physician. Paul, having been put through enough by this annoying spirit, turned about and in the name of Jesus Christ rebuked the spirit and commanded it to come out of the girl! At that moment, the spirit left her. There were still more barriers to overcome. The fact that this spirit was cast out greatly angered the men who were making a profit of this girl's misfortune. So much so that the crowed of on-lookers seized Paul and Silas and brought them in front of the leaders of the city of Philippi. They filed false charges against Paul and Silas and after display of rending garments, the leaders had Paul and Silas taken away and striped, flogged severely, and thrown into prison. All these Christians wanted was to go to their place of prayer and spend time with their Lord. Whether it be the world or the enemy, barriers will be in our way, if they are not dealt with. What if God has allowed these barriers to bring Paul and Silas,and you and I, to a place where our pressing through will give Him the most praise, honor and glory! Pressing through for Paul and Silas meant exercising their faith (casting the spirit out of the girl in Jesus' name). As well as, pressing through the persecution that came by the exercising of their faith (being seized and stripped, severely flogged and thrown into prison). Finely, Paul and Silas were in the place where their pressing through would be the most effective! Oh christian, Gods' plans and ways are higher than ours. He can see the end result of all of our words and actions. Let us go up higher to Him, who is the Father of the heavenly lights! Oh heavenly Father! Mold me. Shape me. Bring me through the refining fire. Work in my life. As I press through into your Holy Spirit, position me into those set of circumstances the will result in You receiving all of the most excellent glory, honor and praise! Amen.